Classroom Information


The concept behind our R.A.M.S. notebook is to help students learn how to organize their daily schedules and routines.  Please ask to see the notebook each evening, and pay attention to the papers, notes, and all information we send to you.  Communication between teachers and parents is a MUST. 


All assignments are required to be labeled with students' names, be neat, with all items completed, and turned in at the required time.  In addition, all work must be completed in pencil and must be performed by only the student.  If your child has to take a paper home to complete, it will be due the next morning.  


For Academic Achievement:

E=Exceeds Standard

M=Meets Standard

P=Progressing Toward Standard

N=Needs Improvement

We will use this for Reading, Speaking and Listening, Language, Math, Handwriting, Science and Social Studies Standards.



For Responsibility for Learning & Behavior:

E=Exceeds Standard

M=Meets Standard

P=Progressing Toward Standard

N=Needs Improvement


Penmanship grades can be taken on any assignment.  We do have daily lessons modeled by the teacher to stress correct size, shape, spacing, pencil grip, and overall neatness/legibility. 

Papers that do not have a grade at the top will be stamped or check circled by the student at the top of the page.  Beware of unmarked complete/incomplete papers that come home.   All completed work should be returned to the appropriate basket.  “No Name” work is often impossible to identify/match to the proper owner, please stress the importance of checking for a name and number.


Test Days

We will be doing most of our testing on Fridays.  We practice and review in class daily and even review before we test.  At the beginning of the year, tests are read by me, to the whole class.  



Your child will bring home their Homework Packet each Monday.  Packet is due back on Friday.  If your child brings back the completed packet, they will receive "Oh Snap" points.  There is NO consequence for not doing the packet.  They just won't receive the extra "Oh Snap" points.  


Your child should bring home their Anthology, large black reading books, every Monday and Tuesday to practice reading our story for the week.  Please listen to your child read the story aloud.  Fluency and accuracy is is very important to a child's reading success. 


When we start library, your child will also bring home a library book.  They are welcome to bring it home everyday, but should definitely bring it home Thursday night for practice.  We will be focusing on this book being a (Good Fit) book and they will eventually take a comprehension test over the library book they have read.  The goal will be for them to test every week. I do give them class time to read, from their library book, daily.               

***The most valuable part of homework is to develop in students responsibility and the desire to work, complete goals, and feel good about their accomplishments***





**Conduct, Discipline, Completing/Returning Assignments**

In order to guarantee your child and all of the students the excellent learning environment they deserve, we will be using specific behavior plans that promote positive choices.  Behavior plans will be discussed on Parent Information Night.  We believe that all students can behave appropriately in the classroom.   Our goal is to help develop in each student high standards of self-discipline needed for good citizenship.  No student will be allowed to interfere with the learning process of others.  Classroom expectations are posted in the room and are discussed so that all students understand them.





You can schedule a conference by calling the office.   Planning time is 12:55-1:40.  



Any work sent home with REDO on it, or if the paper has P  N on it,  it will need to be corrected, signed, and returned. We will be reinforcing/reteaching academic skills as needed.  If your child is encountering difficulty due to behavior/time on task/effort put into work you will be contacted to discuss behavior management options.   


Computer, P.E. & Music will alternate daily.